I have Version 8.0... I need to add text and then arc it.
When I open the text area box, and click it it, the text is above the box. When I hit my enter key to move it down, it disappears, unless I make my text box even bigger. The bottom line it that I need to be able to 'tighten' the text box to fix my text, so that when I arc it, i can get the right angles.
As it is now, when I arc it, the box is so big, and the text is at the top, so I cant get the right arc angle.
How can I get my text box tighter?
When I open the text area box, and click it it, the text is above the box. When I hit my enter key to move it down, it disappears, unless I make my text box even bigger. The bottom line it that I need to be able to 'tighten' the text box to fix my text, so that when I arc it, i can get the right angles.
As it is now, when I arc it, the box is so big, and the text is at the top, so I cant get the right arc angle.
How can I get my text box tighter?