I am using the following coding to create a textarea for notes to be added to an automatic email.
<textarea maxsize=1024 name=logentry align=center cols=64 rows=10>
I have tested it in IE5 and it works fine wraps sentences the works, but when i have come to test it in NetScape the stupid thing will not wrap sentences.
Anyone got any ideas?????
DeltaFlyer ;-)
DeltaFlyer - The Only Programmer To Crash With Style.
<textarea maxsize=1024 name=logentry align=center cols=64 rows=10>
I have tested it in IE5 and it works fine wraps sentences the works, but when i have come to test it in NetScape the stupid thing will not wrap sentences.
Anyone got any ideas?????
DeltaFlyer ;-)
DeltaFlyer - The Only Programmer To Crash With Style.