Hello guys , and again I've stumbled upon a glitch in my code - this time a bit frustrating one: Text area doesn't submit text into database after submission - here's the code:
$yourSay= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `speech` WHERE mem_id='$id' ORDER BY `speakDate` DESC LIMIT 50");
$textField = $_POST['speech'];
$textField = stripslashes($$textField);
$textField = strip_tags($$textField);
$textField = mysql_real_escape_string($$textField);
$sql = "INSERT INTO `speech` (mem_id, speak , speakDate)
$insert=mysql_query($sql) or die (mysql_error());
<form id="formSpeech" name="formSpeech" method="post" action="muProfileEdit.php" enctype="text/plain">
<textarea name="speech" id="speech" cols="45" rows="5" style="margin-left:1px"></textarea>
<input type="submit" name="submitSpeech" class="submitProfileEdit" id="submitSpeech" value="submit" />
Why oh why ? Thank you muchly for your insight...
$yourSay= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `speech` WHERE mem_id='$id' ORDER BY `speakDate` DESC LIMIT 50");
$textField = $_POST['speech'];
$textField = stripslashes($$textField);
$textField = strip_tags($$textField);
$textField = mysql_real_escape_string($$textField);
$sql = "INSERT INTO `speech` (mem_id, speak , speakDate)
$insert=mysql_query($sql) or die (mysql_error());
<form id="formSpeech" name="formSpeech" method="post" action="muProfileEdit.php" enctype="text/plain">
<textarea name="speech" id="speech" cols="45" rows="5" style="margin-left:1px"></textarea>
<input type="submit" name="submitSpeech" class="submitProfileEdit" id="submitSpeech" value="submit" />
Why oh why ? Thank you muchly for your insight...