I'm having printer problems. I try to print a test page on my Canon Multipass F30 and I get "Test page failed to print. Would you like to view the print troubleshooter for assistance? Operation could not be completed." No further information is given. This is on a Win XP SP2, P4, 512 MB RAM. Was working fine Friday, but then Someone Did Something and they don't remember what.
I should also note that, at the same time, the help and support center won't start up. I'll see the process in the Task Manager for about 3 seconds, then it goes away. I'm wondering if the problems are related.
I should ALSO note that, although the software that came with the Multipass recognizes the printer (and notes if it's turned off, etc, so there IS a connection there), if I try to get Windoze to automatically install the plug-and-pray printer, it says there's nothing there (doing this from the Add Printer wizard).
I hope that's enough info. This user needs to be able to print off billing info. Thank you
I should also note that, at the same time, the help and support center won't start up. I'll see the process in the Task Manager for about 3 seconds, then it goes away. I'm wondering if the problems are related.
I should ALSO note that, although the software that came with the Multipass recognizes the printer (and notes if it's turned off, etc, so there IS a connection there), if I try to get Windoze to automatically install the plug-and-pray printer, it says there's nothing there (doing this from the Add Printer wizard).
I hope that's enough info. This user needs to be able to print off billing info. Thank you