Hi All,
Looking at AIX Certification study guides on the net and came across a product from testking.com in relation to questions and answers for the 000-222 tests for $69.99 with free updates to questions and answers. At the moment I have taken a couple of on-line mock tests, and have found that the IBM Study guide doesn't cover all of what is being asked in these Multiple Choice questions. For example I was asked a few question on Hot swap PCI and the answer was drslot. This is something that is not covered in the IBM Study Guide.
Just wondering if anyone has purchased and tried the testking product?
Looking at AIX Certification study guides on the net and came across a product from testking.com in relation to questions and answers for the 000-222 tests for $69.99 with free updates to questions and answers. At the moment I have taken a couple of on-line mock tests, and have found that the IBM Study guide doesn't cover all of what is being asked in these Multiple Choice questions. For example I was asked a few question on Hot swap PCI and the answer was drslot. This is something that is not covered in the IBM Study Guide.
Just wondering if anyone has purchased and tried the testking product?