I use the following to retrieve all email entries in a mailbox on the exchange server:
Works fine, except when PostbusNaam contains a name that doesn't exist (typos happen, because users can add names). There are two reasons for a mailbox that doesn't exists;
1) the mailbox is localized (ie "Postbus" instead of "Mailbox" (we use different servers on the corporate network). For this case I trap the generated error number (-2147221233) and replace "Mailbox" in the string with "Postbus".
2) The mailbox doesn't exist at all.
I need to signal this, but cannot figure out how to test this, because I can't discriminate the "why".
If I retry to set with the changed name ("Postbus" instead of "Mailbox") and this is the correct error reason it works fine. If not however, it jumps straight out of the function, without generating a error.
Does anybody know how to correctly set up this?
I use the following to retrieve all email entries in a mailbox on the exchange server:
Function RecursiveFolderSearch() As Boolean
On Error GoTo Error_Handler
Dim i As Integer
Dim MyMapiFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim conn As New adodb.Connection
Dim rst As New adodb.Recordset
Dim PostbusNaam, teRapporterenMapNaam As String
RecursiveFolderSearch = True
Set OutlookApp = New Outlook.Application
Set myNameSpace = OutlookApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set conn = CurrentProject.Connection
rst.Open ("MAIL_tbl_teams"), conn 'open de tabel met alle postbusnamen
rst.MoveFirst ' ga naar de eerste postbus
While Not rst.EOF ' verwerk alle postbussen
PostbusNaam = rst.Fields("PostbusNaam") 'haal de eerste postbus op.
verplaatsMail = rst.Fields("vandaag_verwerkt_legen")
If rst!meenemen Then
teRapporterenMapNaam = rst!rootfolder
Forms!frmfeedback.txtonderdeel = PostbusNaam
Set MyMapiFolder = myNameSpace.Folders(PostbusNaam).Folders(teRapporterenMapNaam)
Set CurrentMailBox = myNameSpace.Folders(PostbusNaam)
Call GetFolderNames(MyMapiFolder, rst.Fields("TeamNaam"))
End If
Set myNameSpace = Nothing
Set MyMapiFolder = Nothing
Exit Function
If Err.Number = -2147221233 Then
If InStr(1, PostbusNaam, "Mailbox") Then
PostbusNaam = Replace(PostbusNaam, "Mailbox", "Postbus", , , vbTextCompare)
PostbusNaam = Replace(PostbusNaam, "Postbus", "Mailbox", , , vbTextCompare)
End If
GoTo retry:
End If
RecursiveFolderSearch = False
Forms!frmimportexport.btnFoutenLog.Enabled = True
Call LogError("Fout in functie RecursiveFolderSearch. " & PostbusNaam & " Fout:", CurrentUser(), (Err.Number & " " & Err.Description & " "))
GoTo Exit_Handler
End Function
1) the mailbox is localized (ie "Postbus" instead of "Mailbox" (we use different servers on the corporate network). For this case I trap the generated error number (-2147221233) and replace "Mailbox" in the string with "Postbus".
2) The mailbox doesn't exist at all.
I need to signal this, but cannot figure out how to test this, because I can't discriminate the "why".
If I retry to set with the changed name ("Postbus" instead of "Mailbox") and this is the correct error reason it works fine. If not however, it jumps straight out of the function, without generating a error.
Does anybody know how to correctly set up this?