I am trying to lock down our terminal server. Our office has one server, which doubles up as the terminal server. The problem is, when a user: UserX logs in at the office, I went them to have "regular" user rights. When they login from their home I want them to be "locked down" and only run programs I allow them to run.
Any suggestions? I tried making a separate OU with the restrictions I want in place, but how can I add USERX to the restricted OU ONLY when they login to T.S.?
I am trying to lock down our terminal server. Our office has one server, which doubles up as the terminal server. The problem is, when a user: UserX logs in at the office, I went them to have "regular" user rights. When they login from their home I want them to be "locked down" and only run programs I allow them to run.
Any suggestions? I tried making a separate OU with the restrictions I want in place, but how can I add USERX to the restricted OU ONLY when they login to T.S.?