Here's the config.
TS box in a hosted environment. 8GB RAM, WS 2K8. All SPs and patches applied. Clients logon via the TS gateway service.
Service uses an internally generated certificate. All clients have had the ROOT cert manually added to trusted root certificates.
On all but one remote PC the drives and printers etc come over fine. On just one PC, they don't.
I took that PC into the Office and did a factory rebuild of it. Still no luck. I then tried going to the server directly via its internal IP. And that worked!
So, I assume it is something to do with the gateway or gateway settings. The thing that has me stumped is that these settings are the same on all of the other PCs and laptops etc (we actually copy the RDP file during setup).
The PC that has the issue is running Windows 7 Home Premium x64. It is a Sony Vaio VGC-Js4EF_Q
I'll probably work around this by allowing 3389 direct to the server from the client office, but if anyone has any ideas about why this particular machine only work direct and not via the gateway I'd be most interested!
Here's the config.
TS box in a hosted environment. 8GB RAM, WS 2K8. All SPs and patches applied. Clients logon via the TS gateway service.
Service uses an internally generated certificate. All clients have had the ROOT cert manually added to trusted root certificates.
On all but one remote PC the drives and printers etc come over fine. On just one PC, they don't.
I took that PC into the Office and did a factory rebuild of it. Still no luck. I then tried going to the server directly via its internal IP. And that worked!
So, I assume it is something to do with the gateway or gateway settings. The thing that has me stumped is that these settings are the same on all of the other PCs and laptops etc (we actually copy the RDP file during setup).
The PC that has the issue is running Windows 7 Home Premium x64. It is a Sony Vaio VGC-Js4EF_Q
I'll probably work around this by allowing 3389 direct to the server from the client office, but if anyone has any ideas about why this particular machine only work direct and not via the gateway I'd be most interested!