Before anyone shouts I know that this is a Citrix forum but there is no Terminal Services forum and both products are essentially the same if I am not mistaken.
I am investigating rolling out a Terminal Services (TS) solution for a company. The whole setup is a mis-match of differing hardware and OS ranging from 95,98,XP and 2000. The servers are running NT4.0 and Win2000 in a mixed mode.
I have started to read all the documentation on MS but am hoping that someone can magically wave a wand and give me all the info I need :O)
If anyone has any info/experience/guidance can you share it with me. I seem to have got my head round the licensing but now its things like:
1. Should the domain be upgraded to pure W2k or will mixed mode be fine
2. Will TS install on a 95 client, 98 client and run
3. What spec hardware should be used server side and is there a minimum client spec? (I have seen some documentaiton on server side)
4. Should the TS server be mirrored/load balanced incase of failure
5. How many users can be placed on one server (realistically) I appreciate hardware will affect this
As you can see I have lots of questions and while there are lots of papers and documents experience is always best. I have read the FAQ written by others. If anyone can share their experiences and opinions I would be greatful