I have a problem where logins are stalling for a couple of minutes after the users enter their login IDs and another couple of minutes after they enter their password.
After each login, I get the following message in syslog:
May 7 13:49:00 slc telnetd[7470]: can't find terminal control database entry f0
(the "f0" changes depending on what pseudo terminal the user is attching to)
Does anyone know what database/file the error message is referring to?
I relinked the kernel and rebuilt the environment and it went away. However, it came back after a couple of days.
After each login, I get the following message in syslog:
May 7 13:49:00 slc telnetd[7470]: can't find terminal control database entry f0
(the "f0" changes depending on what pseudo terminal the user is attching to)
Does anyone know what database/file the error message is referring to?
I relinked the kernel and rebuilt the environment and it went away. However, it came back after a couple of days.