UserName = "user1"
userpwd = "passw1"
Set CONN = New ADODB.Connection
CONN.CommandTimeout = 0
CONN.ConnectionString = "Data Source=Teradata Produzione;Database=DBH;UID=" & UserName & ";PWD=" & userpwd
I use this code to connect a Tredata database.
Prob! when the password expire in the vb project appear a windows popup to tell me to change the expired password...!
Is possible via code when the pasword expire automaticlly use a new password and store for next use?
I have gogling and in a post i see to set int string connection a new PWD similar:
CONN.ConnectionString = "Data Source=Teradata Produzione;Database=DBH;UID=" & UserName & ";PWD=" & userpwd;PWD1=" & userpwd1
And when the old pasword expire the code use the new userpwd1
is this correct?