I'm working with a program that requires a vast amount of database work. Originally, this caused the on-screen form to sort of 'freeze' when the program ran; it would end up taking on the appearance of anything that appeared on the screen above it. A poster on this forum recommended the 'application.ProcessMessages' command, which works quite nicely to solve that problem. However, I believe I am running up against another one related to this.
As things stand, my program has some moments where it appears nothing is happening. (The system is getting and processing information from the database, but nothing is showing onscreen.) It is possible that the user could hit another command during this time. I know this; I accidentally did so with the Exit button during such a lull. This caused the program to exit as soon as the run was done, before the retrieved information could be viewed.
If I can do this, I know the end users I'm developing for can. Is there some way to lock (or ignore) clickable components so that I can prevent this (or something similar) from happening to them?
As things stand, my program has some moments where it appears nothing is happening. (The system is getting and processing information from the database, but nothing is showing onscreen.) It is possible that the user could hit another command during this time. I know this; I accidentally did so with the Exit button during such a lull. This caused the program to exit as soon as the run was done, before the retrieved information could be viewed.
If I can do this, I know the end users I'm developing for can. Is there some way to lock (or ignore) clickable components so that I can prevent this (or something similar) from happening to them?