Help! I work for a non-profit, and have been building websites for years, but they have always been smaller sites and navigation has always been very, very simple. I am now challenged with building a new website. It has approximately 150 pages, but all of them are built off of the exact same template. I am considering doing two templates, one index and one subpage that is essentially a nested template. I will have navigation at the top of the page on both templates, with each "section" of the site getting its own subpage "index" with left nav as well. I know that on my left nav it is probably better, since we use an article generator, to use a template as the "index" for each section. My question is this - do I HAVE to use ssi for the top navigation, or can I just use a template so when I make changes to it, I upload only the first template file (all other templates will be nested within the index template). This seems easier to me than ssi, but I might be missing something? Thanks for the help!