The following query runs with no issues in our 8i code, but since upgrading to 9i the temp space fills rapidly every time, and Oracle must be recycled. Long query attached below, but does anyone know what creates this difference in 9i?
select cf.organization_grp_val || ' ' || cf.organization_type_val,
cf.payroll_year || ' ' || cf.payroll_period || ' ' || cf.payroll_suffix,
to_char(oel.event_date, 'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss'),
From v_customer_file cf,
v_object_event_log oel,
v_customer_file_dist cfd,
(select cfid,
max(dup_oid) as oid
(select cf.customer_file_id as cfid,
oel.object_event_id as dup_oid
From v_originator_pkg op,
v_customer_file cf,
v_customer_file_dist cfd,
v_object_event_log oel
where cfd.industry_seg = 'EFT'
and op.originator like '%'
and cf.organization_grp_val like '%'
and cf.payroll_period like '%'
and cf.payroll_suffix like '%'
and cfd.recipient like '%'
and oel.Event_Date >= to_date('02/22/2003', 'mm/dd/yyyy')
and op.originator_pkg_id = cf.originator_pkg_id
and cf.customer_file_id = cfd.customer_file_id
and oel.processing_obj = 'CF'
and oel.object_ctl = cfd.customer_file_id
select cf.customer_file_id as cfid,
oel.object_event_id as dup_oid
From v_originator_pkg op,
v_customer_file cf,
v_customer_file_dist cfd,
v_object_event_log oel,
v_recipient_pkg rp,
v_recipient_file rf
where cfd.industry_seg = 'EFT'
and op.originator like '%'
and cf.organization_grp_val like '%'
and cf.payroll_period like '%'
and cf.payroll_suffix like '%'
and cfd.recipient like '%'
and oel.Event_Date >= to_date('02/22/2003', 'mm/dd/yyyy')
and op.originator_pkg_id = cf.originator_pkg_id
and cf.customer_file_id = cfd.customer_file_id
and oel.processing_obj = 'RP'
and oel.object_ctl = rp.recipient_pkg_id
and cfd.recipient_file_id = rf.recipient_file_id
and rf.recipient_pkg_id = rp.recipient_pkg_id )
group by cfid )
where cf.customer_file_id = cfid
and cfd.customer_file_id = cfid
and oel.object_event_id = oid
order by 1, 2, cfd.recipient, oel.event_date, oel.event_code, oel.previous_status desc
select cf.organization_grp_val || ' ' || cf.organization_type_val,
cf.payroll_year || ' ' || cf.payroll_period || ' ' || cf.payroll_suffix,
to_char(oel.event_date, 'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss'),
From v_customer_file cf,
v_object_event_log oel,
v_customer_file_dist cfd,
(select cfid,
max(dup_oid) as oid
(select cf.customer_file_id as cfid,
oel.object_event_id as dup_oid
From v_originator_pkg op,
v_customer_file cf,
v_customer_file_dist cfd,
v_object_event_log oel
where cfd.industry_seg = 'EFT'
and op.originator like '%'
and cf.organization_grp_val like '%'
and cf.payroll_period like '%'
and cf.payroll_suffix like '%'
and cfd.recipient like '%'
and oel.Event_Date >= to_date('02/22/2003', 'mm/dd/yyyy')
and op.originator_pkg_id = cf.originator_pkg_id
and cf.customer_file_id = cfd.customer_file_id
and oel.processing_obj = 'CF'
and oel.object_ctl = cfd.customer_file_id
select cf.customer_file_id as cfid,
oel.object_event_id as dup_oid
From v_originator_pkg op,
v_customer_file cf,
v_customer_file_dist cfd,
v_object_event_log oel,
v_recipient_pkg rp,
v_recipient_file rf
where cfd.industry_seg = 'EFT'
and op.originator like '%'
and cf.organization_grp_val like '%'
and cf.payroll_period like '%'
and cf.payroll_suffix like '%'
and cfd.recipient like '%'
and oel.Event_Date >= to_date('02/22/2003', 'mm/dd/yyyy')
and op.originator_pkg_id = cf.originator_pkg_id
and cf.customer_file_id = cfd.customer_file_id
and oel.processing_obj = 'RP'
and oel.object_ctl = rp.recipient_pkg_id
and cfd.recipient_file_id = rf.recipient_file_id
and rf.recipient_pkg_id = rp.recipient_pkg_id )
group by cfid )
where cf.customer_file_id = cfid
and cfd.customer_file_id = cfid
and oel.object_event_id = oid
order by 1, 2, cfd.recipient, oel.event_date, oel.event_code, oel.previous_status desc