I have an SL100 with an IPE shelf remote. I have 2 LGC links going to the T1/IPE interface (Host) to a T1/IPE interface (remote) to the IPE shelf. Last Tuesday, the IPE shelf dropped. No power outage or weather caused this. I had no alarms on the T1/IPE interface cards which is odd because they are usually very touchy. Anyways, I have since replaced all cards (Power, RG and Controller cards in the IPE) and also changed out the 6x48's in the host since the switch kept calling them out. I was not able to load the IPE from the host and after changing out each card individually, I got no change (no WAI after reset). Last Thursday I changed out one of the T1/IPE interface cards and still had a red alarm that I could not clear. Even with this alarm, I was able to load the IPE. The IPE is up but I have a red alarm on the T1/IPE interface and one of my LGC links is down. This does not affect the customer as they only have about 60 people in the building with the remote and still have 30 voice channels, but there is still an issue. We have ordered 2 T1/IPE spares and both appear to be bad. My help desk is having trouble locating more spares of the Tepstrat T1/IPE interface cards. There is no part number that I can find. We called Telstrat and they stopped making these about 5 years ago and have no idea how we can get them. I was wondering if any of you have any experience with these and if so, where can we find them? The 2 spares that we ordered appear to be off of a shelf, untested and both had different issues. Any help would be greatly appreciated.