I'm a bit baffeled here. I can telnet anywhere I want to, and yes, I know telnet isn't the best thing to use.
I'm doing this within my lan, I've got several Cisco switches that I want to configure and I don't know their current IP address or hostname. I purchased them used and no one where I purchased them can tell me if they have an IP or hostname on them.
I have linux only systems here and need to telnet into the switches via serial port and have no clue how to do it. I've installed minicom and gnome-telnet, but have no clue where the heck they installed to or what the run file is called. I can't find any information on the web on how to telnet through a serial port and I'm about getting frustrated here. I'm about to (shudder) install a windows os on one of my machines just so I can get these switches up and running.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE someone help me before I do the unthinkable and install a windows machine at home.
Am I just missing the information on the internet or is it not out there?!?
Norm White
Network Administrator / Network Security Specialist
The probability of someone watching you is proportional to the stupidity of your action.
I'm a bit baffeled here. I can telnet anywhere I want to, and yes, I know telnet isn't the best thing to use.
I'm doing this within my lan, I've got several Cisco switches that I want to configure and I don't know their current IP address or hostname. I purchased them used and no one where I purchased them can tell me if they have an IP or hostname on them.
I have linux only systems here and need to telnet into the switches via serial port and have no clue how to do it. I've installed minicom and gnome-telnet, but have no clue where the heck they installed to or what the run file is called. I can't find any information on the web on how to telnet through a serial port and I'm about getting frustrated here. I'm about to (shudder) install a windows os on one of my machines just so I can get these switches up and running.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE someone help me before I do the unthinkable and install a windows machine at home.
Am I just missing the information on the internet or is it not out there?!?
Norm White
Network Administrator / Network Security Specialist
The probability of someone watching you is proportional to the stupidity of your action.