Until recently I had 3 pcs running Win98SE and a SCO 5.0.5 pc all networked via a 100M hub. All TCP/IP addresses were fixed. The windows pcs could ftp and login to the unix box using a telnet package.
I have now set up Microsoft ICS on the windows network exactly as recommended, i.e the 2 clients now use dynamic addressing via DHCP services. This works perfectly w.r.t the windows network and the internet. However I can now only ftp to the unix pc, the telnet program (QVT) will not connect. All routes ping ok.
Any suggestions?
Roy Thomas
I have now set up Microsoft ICS on the windows network exactly as recommended, i.e the 2 clients now use dynamic addressing via DHCP services. This works perfectly w.r.t the windows network and the internet. However I can now only ftp to the unix pc, the telnet program (QVT) will not connect. All routes ping ok.
Any suggestions?
Roy Thomas