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Tell me where my MDB or LDB file is???

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Aug 11, 2001
Is there a way to get the path to the currentDB or current LDB of an access app?

Or better yet, tell me the number of users connected to my mdb.

I've played arround with the workspace, but have had no luck.

You can download an LDB viewer from the microsoft website that can tell you how many people are using your mdb and who is using it at any time

Search their site for this ... I,ve used it and its pretty helpful when trying to get people to stop using the database while you carry out some maintenance


Here's what I use to get the user/machine list:
As I review the code I just pasted in, several of the functions are from Getz's Access Developers Guide (best book on access I've ever seen) so I don't feel right posting them here but heres what they do:

dhRInstr - returns the rightmost occurrance of the character searched for.

dhTrimNull - returns the string passed up to but not including any trailing null chars.


Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private Type UserInfo
Computer As String * 32
SecName As String * 32
End Type

Public Function GetUsers() As String
Dim DataFile As Long
Dim sFile As String
Dim uUserInfo As UserInfo
Dim UserInfos As New Collection
Dim sTemp As String
Dim lIndex As Long

On Error GoTo ERROR_

sFile = CurrentDb.Name
sFile = Left(sFile, dhRInstr(sFile, "."))
sFile = sFile & "ldb"
DataFile = FreeFile
Open sFile For Random As DataFile Len = Len(uUserInfo)
lIndex = 1

Do While lIndex <= (LOF(DataFile) / Len(uUserInfo))
Get DataFile, lIndex, uUserInfo
uUserInfo.SecName = dhTrimNull(uUserInfo.SecName)
uUserInfo.Computer = dhTrimNull(uUserInfo.Computer)
sTemp = &quot;User: &quot; & Trim(uUserInfo.SecName) & _
&quot; on Machine: &quot; & Trim(uUserInfo.Computer) & vbCrLf
lIndex = lIndex + 1

GetUsers = sTemp

Close DataFile
Exit Function

Select Case err.Number
Case Else
MsgBox &quot;Error &quot; & err.Number & vbCrLf & _
err.Description & vbCrLf
End Select
Resume Exit_Function
End Function

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