I am exploring MAS 90 to see if the 80% of our company that loathes it is right in their thinking. I want the table structure, and the key to that seems to be the TRSG. That's the Technical Reference and Support. Is that still routinely supplied on a CD, or is it online through the BOSS portal?
The manager who has the documentation is not very forthcoming, but at this point I think I need either BOSS access or the CD, Before I take the issue to a higher management level, I'd be smart to know which I'm seeking.
We are all current on licensing.
The manager who has the documentation is not very forthcoming, but at this point I think I need either BOSS access or the CD, Before I take the issue to a higher management level, I'd be smart to know which I'm seeking.
We are all current on licensing.
[purple]If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called
[blue]research[/blue] database[white].[/white]development, would it? [tab]-- Albert Einstein[/purple]