Technical User
Well, I guess I did what you should never do...I actually downloaded and installed the last upgrade to my Act! 2007 software and it broke everything.
It converted my main database, but then couldn't open it because of some sync set error message. After trying any number of things and beating my head against the desk, I decided to uninstall the upgrade and reload my database from my backup, so I could delete all the sync sets and then rebuild them once I had completed the upgrade. The uninstall of the upgrade alone didn't work, so I wound up uninstalling Act! completely, making a fresh reinstall from CD-Rom of both the Act! and Act!Link software, and reloaded my database from my backup.
I still have a complete mess. My guess is that I have two separate issues: one is possibly some corruption in my database, but the other seems to be clearly an Act!Link software issue.
The software is Act! 2007 and Act!Link 2006 (which is what came on the CD-Rom) My computer meets/exceeds all Act! system requirements. I'm running Windows XP. The Palm device I'm syncing to is an old Vx--which hasn't been an issue with this software at all up until I tried to install the new fixes. My database is higly customized, but I did all of the customization from within Act!, using the resident database customization stuff.
1. The fresh reinstall of the Act!Link for Palm OS software (directly from the original CD) won't even open!
The error message is: "ActPalmLinkSetup.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience."
The error report contains the following data:
AppName: actpalmlinksetup.exe AppVer: AppStamp:44e5feea
ModName: kernel32.dll ModVer: 5.1.2600.2945 ModStamp:44ab9a84
fDebug: 0 Offset: 00012a5b
I'm lost, here. I don't know how I can't get a fresh reintall off the original CD-Rom to work, but I can't. I looked for someplace to download it in case the disc got damaged somehow (there's no visible damage but...who knows), but I haven't found anywhere yet.
2. I can't do anything with sync sets within Act!. Any attempt to manage a sync set is met with the error message:
"Unable to retrieve all sync sets. Invalid column name 'ISDEVICESYNCSET'."
My guess is that's something wrong with my actual database, but...I have no idea anymore.
Well, I guess I did what you should never do...I actually downloaded and installed the last upgrade to my Act! 2007 software and it broke everything.
I still have a complete mess. My guess is that I have two separate issues: one is possibly some corruption in my database, but the other seems to be clearly an Act!Link software issue.
The software is Act! 2007 and Act!Link 2006 (which is what came on the CD-Rom) My computer meets/exceeds all Act! system requirements. I'm running Windows XP. The Palm device I'm syncing to is an old Vx--which hasn't been an issue with this software at all up until I tried to install the new fixes. My database is higly customized, but I did all of the customization from within Act!, using the resident database customization stuff.
1. The fresh reinstall of the Act!Link for Palm OS software (directly from the original CD) won't even open!
The error message is: "ActPalmLinkSetup.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience."
The error report contains the following data:
AppName: actpalmlinksetup.exe AppVer: AppStamp:44e5feea
ModName: kernel32.dll ModVer: 5.1.2600.2945 ModStamp:44ab9a84
fDebug: 0 Offset: 00012a5b
I'm lost, here. I don't know how I can't get a fresh reintall off the original CD-Rom to work, but I can't. I looked for someplace to download it in case the disc got damaged somehow (there's no visible damage but...who knows), but I haven't found anywhere yet.
2. I can't do anything with sync sets within Act!. Any attempt to manage a sync set is met with the error message:
"Unable to retrieve all sync sets. Invalid column name 'ISDEVICESYNCSET'."
My guess is that's something wrong with my actual database, but...I have no idea anymore.