Many BSD-based operating systems have small default or maximum values for the number of simultaneously-open connections (a typical value of 256) but windows are shipped with higher maximum values (typically thousands).
well i know that the browsers like IE can make 2 concurrent connections and netscape can make 6.well i also heard that tcp connections can be configured in apache server.
anyway i'm not 2 sure about it.well here is some bit of information for u:
The Well Known Ports that r used by the internet authorities range from 0 through 1023.The Registered Ports are those from 1024 through 49151.The Dynamic and/or Private Ports are those from 49152 through 65535
and one needs to have two distinct ips and ports to make a TCP connection u can think of the possibilities(|>Kapil
Technical Director
Infovalley Interwebspiders Pvt. Ltd.
Microsoft Certified System Engineer
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