Depends on what you're using it for. Usually you would only have the port open on your firewall if you were using it for something. In the case of 25/TCP you're talking about SMTP mail and 443/TCP HTTPS sessions. But securing it generally becomes more of an issue of whether the applications that sit behind that port (usually mail server and web server in the cases listed) are secure. That means keep the applications patched up to date and configured in a secure manner. Also, make sure that the servers that these apps reside on are patched and configured in a secure manner (no default or simple passwords, etc).
The only other tip that I have is to make sure that your firewall is still scanning the traffic that it permits through. This will help ensure that viruses/trojans/other malware that exploit those applications are blocked before they get there.
Generally though, since there are so many potential programs that you could be using on those ports it is hard to offer specific advice.
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