Hi all,
How to display a ComboBox with a flat border (but keep 3d button). I have found a way to hide the 3d border but it's not want I want :
SetWindowRgn(cbo.Handle, CreateRectRgn(2,2,cbo.Width-2, cbo.Height-2), True);
All this to fit a TComboBox within a cell of a TStringGrid without the effect of a lower combobox...
Thanks in advance,
Rej Cloutier
How to display a ComboBox with a flat border (but keep 3d button). I have found a way to hide the 3d border but it's not want I want :
SetWindowRgn(cbo.Handle, CreateRectRgn(2,2,cbo.Width-2, cbo.Height-2), True);
All this to fit a TComboBox within a cell of a TStringGrid without the effect of a lower combobox...
Thanks in advance,
Rej Cloutier