In a script I have written there is a stage in the script where output is displayed on the screen which tells the user to please wait for a process to finish. This is timed via the sleep command, and I am wondering if it is possible to display one of those cool looking helicopters or some type of percentage done output to the screen.
example: (Loop through this process so it looks like the bar is a "helicopter blade" and is spinning in the terminal, but appear on the same line)
Step 1.) |
Step 2.) /
Step 3.) --
Step 4.) \
How can I get this to work? I have tried using the flush command, but can't get the output to appear on the same line, effectively overwiting the output before it to make the bar look like it's spinning.
In a script I have written there is a stage in the script where output is displayed on the screen which tells the user to please wait for a process to finish. This is timed via the sleep command, and I am wondering if it is possible to display one of those cool looking helicopters or some type of percentage done output to the screen.
example: (Loop through this process so it looks like the bar is a "helicopter blade" and is spinning in the terminal, but appear on the same line)
Step 1.) |
Step 2.) /
Step 3.) --
Step 4.) \
How can I get this to work? I have tried using the flush command, but can't get the output to appear on the same line, effectively overwiting the output before it to make the bar look like it's spinning.