I found the following examples on the net. This is to learn how to link Tcl and C. First the example.c would not compile because Tk_CreateMainWindow does not seem to exist anymore in 8.4. So I replaced it with Tk_MainWindow which worked for the compiler (CC from Sun) but when I run it it gives me a bus error. Can somebody explain me why?
Many thanks!
------------ example.tk --------------
# example.tk
# Demonstrates Tcl/Tk and C interaction while doing something useful!
# Originally written entirely in Tcl/Tk but added C calls as a demo.
# 20 Feb 1995 - R. Hagen rhagen@awi-bremerhaven.de
# -------------------------------------------------
# A simple decimal degree to deg,min,sec converter
# -------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------
# set up the user interface
# -------------------------
label .title -text "Lat/Lon Converter"
frame .convert
label .deglabel -text "degrees "
label .minlabel -text "minutes "
label .seclabel -text "seconds "
label .deg -width 5 -relief sunken -bd 2 -bg LightGoldenrod1 \
-textvariable degrees
label .min -width 6 -relief sunken -bd 2 -bg LightGoldenrod1 \
-textvariable minutes
label .sec -width 6 -relief sunken -bd 2 -bg LightGoldenrod1 \
-textvariable seconds
label .eqlabel -text " = "
entry .decdeg -width 11 -relief sunken -bd 2 -bg PowderBlue \
-textvariable decDegrees
# --------------------------------------------
# Make the return key execute the calculations
# --------------------------------------------
bind .decdeg <Return> {okCommand}
# ------------------
# Set up the buttons
# ------------------
frame .bframe
button .okbutton -text OK -command {okCommand}
button .exitbutton -text Exit -command exit
button .clearbutton -text Clear -command clearCmd
radiobutton .ddm -text "deg + decimal min" -variable mode -value 0 \
-anchor w
radiobutton .dms -text "deg + min + sec" -variable mode -value 1 \
-anchor w
# ---------------
# Pack everything
# ---------------
pack .title -side top
pack .convert -side top -padx 2m -pady 2m
pack .decdeg .eqlabel .deg .deglabel .min .minlabel .sec .seclabel \
-in .convert -side left
pack .bframe -side top
pack .okbutton .exitbutton .clearbutton -in .bframe -side left -padx 2m
pack .ddm .dms -in .bframe -side right -padx 2m
# -------------------------------------------------
# set the initial focus to the decimal degree entry
# -------------------------------------------------
focus .decdeg
# -------------------
# initialize the mode
# -------------------
set mode 1
# ------------------------------------
# Procedure to execute the decimal to deg min sec calculation
# here we do the calculation in C as an example.
# Also as an example we return the data in two ways, by having
# the C program reach in and directly change the degrees value,
# and by returning the minutes and seconds data in the result.
# ------------------------------------
proc okCommand {} {
global degrees minutes seconds decDegrees mode
if {$decDegrees != ""} {
# call the C routine, returning data in degList. We return
# deg min sec, but degrees was already set by the C routine
# and is already displayed, so we ignore the returned value.
set degList "[eval calculate $decDegrees]"
set minutes [lindex $degList 1]
set seconds [lindex $degList 2]
if {$mode == "0"} {
set minutes [format "%6.3f" [expr $minutes + ($seconds / 60)]]
set seconds ""
# ------------------------------
# Procedure to clear all entries
# ------------------------------
proc clearCmd {} {
global degrees minutes seconds decDegrees
foreach thing {degrees minutes seconds decDegrees} {
set $thing ""
/* example.c
Demonstrates Tcl/Tk and C interaction.
The main() routine below was pretty much copied from the draft of the
Brent Welch book "Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk"
20 Feb 1995 - R. Hagen rhagen@awi-bremerhaven.de
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <tcl.h>
#include <tk.h>
/* Here we define a C function to be called as a Tcl command */
static int calculate(ClientData dummy, Tcl_Interp* interp, int argc,
char* argv[])
int degPart, minPart;
float decimalDegrees, fractionPart, decimalMinutes, decimalSeconds;
char temp[12] = {0};
if(argc != 2) return ;
decimalDegrees = atof(argv[1]); /* argv[1] contains value passed
from Tcl */
degPart = (int) decimalDegrees;
fractionPart = fabs(decimalDegrees - degPart);
decimalMinutes = fractionPart * 60.0;
minPart = (int) decimalMinutes;
fractionPart = decimalMinutes - minPart;
decimalSeconds = fractionPart * 60.0;
/* we must convert our ints and floats to strings for Tcl using sprintf
Tcl_SetVar(interp, "degrees",temp,TCLGO); /* set the tcl variable */
Tcl_AppendElement(interp, temp); /* append to the result string
sprintf(temp,"%d", minPart);
Tcl_AppendElement(interp, temp); /* append to the result string
sprintf(temp,"%6.3f", decimalSeconds);
Tcl_AppendElement(interp, temp); /* append to the result string
return TCL_OK;
int Example_Init(Tcl_Interp* interp)
/* Here we tell the Tcl interpreter about our calculate C function
and "link" it to a Tcl name. Here the C and Tcl names are the same
but it is not required.
Tcl name C name */
Tcl_CreateCommand(interp, "calculate", calculate,(ClientData) 0,
(void (*)()) NULL);
return TCL_OK;
main(int argc, char *argv[])
Tcl_Interp *interp;
Tk_Window mainWindow;
int error;
char *trace;
/* first we create a Tcl interpreter */
interp = Tcl_CreateInterp();
/* now we create a Tk main window */
mainWindow = Tk_CreateMainWindow(interp, getenv("DISPLAY",
if(mainWindow == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", interp->result);
/* now we initialize our interpreter for Tcl,Tk,and our personal
example C commands */
if(Tcl_Init(interp) != TCL_OK) {
fprintf(stderr, "Tcl_Init failed: %s\n", interp->result);
if(Tk_Init(interp) != TCL_OK) {
fprintf(stderr, "Tk_Init failed: %s\n", interp->result);
if(Example_Init(interp) != TCL_OK) {
fprintf(stderr, "Example_Init failed: %s\n", interp->result);
/* now we tell the interpreter which Tcl/Tk file to use */
error = Tcl_EvalFile(interp, "example.tk"
if(error != TCL_OK) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", "example.tk", interp->result);
trace = Tcl_GetVar(interp, "errorInfo", TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY);
if(trace != NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "*** TCL TRACE ***\n"
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", trace);
/* finally we enter the event loop and wait for user input */
I found the following examples on the net. This is to learn how to link Tcl and C. First the example.c would not compile because Tk_CreateMainWindow does not seem to exist anymore in 8.4. So I replaced it with Tk_MainWindow which worked for the compiler (CC from Sun) but when I run it it gives me a bus error. Can somebody explain me why?
Many thanks!
------------ example.tk --------------
# example.tk
# Demonstrates Tcl/Tk and C interaction while doing something useful!
# Originally written entirely in Tcl/Tk but added C calls as a demo.
# 20 Feb 1995 - R. Hagen rhagen@awi-bremerhaven.de
# -------------------------------------------------
# A simple decimal degree to deg,min,sec converter
# -------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------
# set up the user interface
# -------------------------
label .title -text "Lat/Lon Converter"
frame .convert
label .deglabel -text "degrees "
label .minlabel -text "minutes "
label .seclabel -text "seconds "
label .deg -width 5 -relief sunken -bd 2 -bg LightGoldenrod1 \
-textvariable degrees
label .min -width 6 -relief sunken -bd 2 -bg LightGoldenrod1 \
-textvariable minutes
label .sec -width 6 -relief sunken -bd 2 -bg LightGoldenrod1 \
-textvariable seconds
label .eqlabel -text " = "
entry .decdeg -width 11 -relief sunken -bd 2 -bg PowderBlue \
-textvariable decDegrees
# --------------------------------------------
# Make the return key execute the calculations
# --------------------------------------------
bind .decdeg <Return> {okCommand}
# ------------------
# Set up the buttons
# ------------------
frame .bframe
button .okbutton -text OK -command {okCommand}
button .exitbutton -text Exit -command exit
button .clearbutton -text Clear -command clearCmd
radiobutton .ddm -text "deg + decimal min" -variable mode -value 0 \
-anchor w
radiobutton .dms -text "deg + min + sec" -variable mode -value 1 \
-anchor w
# ---------------
# Pack everything
# ---------------
pack .title -side top
pack .convert -side top -padx 2m -pady 2m
pack .decdeg .eqlabel .deg .deglabel .min .minlabel .sec .seclabel \
-in .convert -side left
pack .bframe -side top
pack .okbutton .exitbutton .clearbutton -in .bframe -side left -padx 2m
pack .ddm .dms -in .bframe -side right -padx 2m
# -------------------------------------------------
# set the initial focus to the decimal degree entry
# -------------------------------------------------
focus .decdeg
# -------------------
# initialize the mode
# -------------------
set mode 1
# ------------------------------------
# Procedure to execute the decimal to deg min sec calculation
# here we do the calculation in C as an example.
# Also as an example we return the data in two ways, by having
# the C program reach in and directly change the degrees value,
# and by returning the minutes and seconds data in the result.
# ------------------------------------
proc okCommand {} {
global degrees minutes seconds decDegrees mode
if {$decDegrees != ""} {
# call the C routine, returning data in degList. We return
# deg min sec, but degrees was already set by the C routine
# and is already displayed, so we ignore the returned value.
set degList "[eval calculate $decDegrees]"
set minutes [lindex $degList 1]
set seconds [lindex $degList 2]
if {$mode == "0"} {
set minutes [format "%6.3f" [expr $minutes + ($seconds / 60)]]
set seconds ""
# ------------------------------
# Procedure to clear all entries
# ------------------------------
proc clearCmd {} {
global degrees minutes seconds decDegrees
foreach thing {degrees minutes seconds decDegrees} {
set $thing ""
/* example.c
Demonstrates Tcl/Tk and C interaction.
The main() routine below was pretty much copied from the draft of the
Brent Welch book "Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk"
20 Feb 1995 - R. Hagen rhagen@awi-bremerhaven.de
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <tcl.h>
#include <tk.h>
/* Here we define a C function to be called as a Tcl command */
static int calculate(ClientData dummy, Tcl_Interp* interp, int argc,
char* argv[])
int degPart, minPart;
float decimalDegrees, fractionPart, decimalMinutes, decimalSeconds;
char temp[12] = {0};
if(argc != 2) return ;
decimalDegrees = atof(argv[1]); /* argv[1] contains value passed
from Tcl */
degPart = (int) decimalDegrees;
fractionPart = fabs(decimalDegrees - degPart);
decimalMinutes = fractionPart * 60.0;
minPart = (int) decimalMinutes;
fractionPart = decimalMinutes - minPart;
decimalSeconds = fractionPart * 60.0;
/* we must convert our ints and floats to strings for Tcl using sprintf
Tcl_SetVar(interp, "degrees",temp,TCLGO); /* set the tcl variable */
Tcl_AppendElement(interp, temp); /* append to the result string
sprintf(temp,"%d", minPart);
Tcl_AppendElement(interp, temp); /* append to the result string
sprintf(temp,"%6.3f", decimalSeconds);
Tcl_AppendElement(interp, temp); /* append to the result string
return TCL_OK;
int Example_Init(Tcl_Interp* interp)
/* Here we tell the Tcl interpreter about our calculate C function
and "link" it to a Tcl name. Here the C and Tcl names are the same
but it is not required.
Tcl name C name */
Tcl_CreateCommand(interp, "calculate", calculate,(ClientData) 0,
(void (*)()) NULL);
return TCL_OK;
main(int argc, char *argv[])
Tcl_Interp *interp;
Tk_Window mainWindow;
int error;
char *trace;
/* first we create a Tcl interpreter */
interp = Tcl_CreateInterp();
/* now we create a Tk main window */
mainWindow = Tk_CreateMainWindow(interp, getenv("DISPLAY",
if(mainWindow == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", interp->result);
/* now we initialize our interpreter for Tcl,Tk,and our personal
example C commands */
if(Tcl_Init(interp) != TCL_OK) {
fprintf(stderr, "Tcl_Init failed: %s\n", interp->result);
if(Tk_Init(interp) != TCL_OK) {
fprintf(stderr, "Tk_Init failed: %s\n", interp->result);
if(Example_Init(interp) != TCL_OK) {
fprintf(stderr, "Example_Init failed: %s\n", interp->result);
/* now we tell the interpreter which Tcl/Tk file to use */
error = Tcl_EvalFile(interp, "example.tk"
if(error != TCL_OK) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", "example.tk", interp->result);
trace = Tcl_GetVar(interp, "errorInfo", TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY);
if(trace != NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "*** TCL TRACE ***\n"
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", trace);
/* finally we enter the event loop and wait for user input */