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TBCONFIG parameters

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Technical User
Mar 14, 2003

Please tell the implications/purpose of the following parameters and what is the maximum value can be set.

RESIDENT 1 # Forced residency flag (Yes = 1, No = 0)
USERS 45 # Maximum number of concurrent user processes
TRANSACTIONS 45 # Maximum number of concurrent transactions


It's been long time since I left using version 5 and currently using 7.31 extensively. However, whatever I preserved or remained in my mind is very little. Here is goes:

If an operating system supports forced residency of the Informix resident portion of the shared memory, you may opt to keep this chunk of memory always resident in operating system's physical memory, by specifying RESIDENT 1, this signifies that it will not be swapped to disk. (default is 0=no)

Before setting this to 1, you must see what is the current resident size of your instance(s) by:
tb(on)stat -g seg
look at the class column and look for class type "R". You must make sure that you have left with sufficient memory after deducting the resident portion of the memory, for operating system need and other processes.

Version 5 uses this parameter to limit the number of users who log into an instance concurrently. The maximum value may vary according to your installed setup, availability of server resource, number of application processes etc. User who tries log above this set figure, will not be allowed to get into the instance and will get appropriate diagnosis message. Ver 6 above does not support this param, due to architectural changes.

Limits Maximum number of concurrent transaction in an instance. Suggested value is always TRANSACTIONS >= USERS. Range of this parameter can vary according to the number of transaction requests generated with in each users. If you expect each user can at max may require 5 transaction requests, you may set TRANSACTIONS to 5*USERS. This param has been discontinued in ver 6 above.

"To live is to change; and to be perfect is to have changed often."

Thanks a lot for your info. When I tried tbstat -g seg, without any result but the usage options. Could you please confirm the syntax.

There are multiple informix instance runing on the same server, some times during the informix startup will give an error ' Could not allocate shared memory'. What could be th reson.

John Jayaseelan
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