We understand the basics of when sales taxes are computed. For example, an Inventory Item may be marked as Taxable, Non-Taxable, or Based on Customer.
If we choose Based on Customer, then it uses the tax schedule defined for the Ship-To address of that customer.
Here's the problem:
Item A IS TAXABLE for customer 1 in Colorado, but Item A IS NOT TAXABLE for Customer 2 in Iowa.
BUT: Customer 2 is not necessarily a non-taxable customer. That is, SOME items ARE taxable for Customer 2.
SIMILARLY: Customer 1 is not necessarily a taxable customer. that is, SOME items are NOT taxable for Customer 1.
How can we specify that an item IS taxable for a customer, even though not _everything_ is taxable for that customer?
WHERE WE GET HUNG UP: We could set up Item A to be taxable based on customer.... that would cause Sales Order to go to the customer ship-to address, and see that there is a tax schedule set up for that ship-to address, and would charge sales tax. HOWEVER, we have _other_ items that are sold to that _same_ customer at the same ship-to address, that are _NOT_ taxable. (And, by the way, those items ARE taxable for _other_ customers). How do we set that up?
If we choose Based on Customer, then it uses the tax schedule defined for the Ship-To address of that customer.
Here's the problem:
Item A IS TAXABLE for customer 1 in Colorado, but Item A IS NOT TAXABLE for Customer 2 in Iowa.
BUT: Customer 2 is not necessarily a non-taxable customer. That is, SOME items ARE taxable for Customer 2.
SIMILARLY: Customer 1 is not necessarily a taxable customer. that is, SOME items are NOT taxable for Customer 1.
How can we specify that an item IS taxable for a customer, even though not _everything_ is taxable for that customer?
WHERE WE GET HUNG UP: We could set up Item A to be taxable based on customer.... that would cause Sales Order to go to the customer ship-to address, and see that there is a tax schedule set up for that ship-to address, and would charge sales tax. HOWEVER, we have _other_ items that are sold to that _same_ customer at the same ship-to address, that are _NOT_ taxable. (And, by the way, those items ARE taxable for _other_ customers). How do we set that up?