First: you need to know this formula
W = U * D
U = W/D
D = W/U
Work = Units * Duration
Units = Work/Duration
Duration = Work/Units
Work is the amount of effort spent to do the task
Duration is the calendar time between the Start and Finish of the task.
Units is the number of resources assigned to the task.
There is a task field called "Type"
If you set task Type to Fixed Work
change Units and Project recalculates Duration
change Duration and Project recalculates Units.
If you set task Type to Fixed Units
change Work and Project recalculates Duration
change Duration and project recalculates Work.
If you set task Type to Fixed Duration
change Work and Project recalculates Units
change Units and Project recalculates Work.
So the first thing you need to do is set the task type to "Fixed Work" or "Fixed Units". If you set it to Fixed Duration then any changes you make will not affect the duration.
Second, you need to know about the "Effort Driven" flag
Effort Driven checked means "share the work among the resources"
Effort Driven unchecked means "each resource is doing his/her work".
Third, you need to know that the flag is in effect *ONLY* when you add a new resource to a task or delete an existing resource from a task.
Now you're ready to go:
1. Set the task Type to fixed duration (as discussed above).
2. Set the Effort Driven flag to checked if the existing amount of work is to be shared among all resources when a new resource is added/deleted.
3. Add your new resource.
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