I just came across the property "targetSchema". I am looking for a stronger understanding of this property and how it might be beneficial in the practical world.
From what I understand, one would create a web form and place server controls on it. The targetSchema property can be set to a browser version. By default it is IE5. There is also the ability to create new targetSchemas for the server to run. Sounds cool so far!!
! I like the fact that the server will generate additional html code that as a developer, I used to write.
? What about an internet web site, where as a web site administrator, one needs to worry about the different browser version: IE4,NS4,IE5,NS6,MacIE5...and so on...
? If I select an individual targetSchema, say IE5, then won't the server generate all of the code for this schema and ignore the fact that an end-client user may actually be using a different browser than the schema that I have selected.
? Is this another tactic by MS to dominate the browser war? OR Do I need to learn more about the .NET technology? For the record, I am a Microsoft fan. However, like so many, I become frustrated in having to write for different standards.
Any insight and thoughts would be appreciated!!