In the MSI “Directory” table, there are fixed variables like TARGETDIR etc.. I can override the TARGETDIR values by adding values in the “Property” table. The directory table works by recursively looping starting from the TARGETDIR.
a. Is the TARGETDIR not what the user chooses using the browse button
i. If that is the case if I override the property with my own value what happens to the installation. We have seen that the installation directories do not get affected.
ii. If that is not the case please explain the role of the TARGETDIR and its relationship with the Directory table.
a. Is the TARGETDIR not what the user chooses using the browse button
i. If that is the case if I override the property with my own value what happens to the installation. We have seen that the installation directories do not get affected.
ii. If that is not the case please explain the role of the TARGETDIR and its relationship with the Directory table.