How oh how do I create a link from a non-frames page to a frameset and target two specific documents?
I have an index that is all flash. The second tier is going to be a simple frameset with a static menu on top and seperate documents loaded to the bottom frame. I want to be able to target specific bottom documents with the index page. So when they pick "contact" on the index, the frameset loads with the menu and contact page.
This seem so simple, yet I can't figure out what to do!!! Please help me!
Thank you thank you!!!! Holy tek-tips batman!:-0
I have an index that is all flash. The second tier is going to be a simple frameset with a static menu on top and seperate documents loaded to the bottom frame. I want to be able to target specific bottom documents with the index page. So when they pick "contact" on the index, the frameset loads with the menu and contact page.
This seem so simple, yet I can't figure out what to do!!! Please help me!
Thank you thank you!!!! Holy tek-tips batman!:-0