We are using networker 7.13 on Windows 2000 server and also have a storage node. I'm trying to relabel tapes with a script. The script looks like:
@echo on
for /f %%i in (c:\batch\tapesleusden_label.txt) do call :label %%i
goto :eof
REM unload tape unit
D:\nsr\bin\nsrjb -u -f rd=stbck02.europe.stater.corp:\\.\Tape0
REM Load tape
D:\nsr\bin\nsrjb -l -f rd=stbck02.europe.stater.corp:\\.\Tape0 %1
REM Label tape
D:\nsr\bin\nsrmm -l -y -f rd=stbck02.europe.stater.corp:\\.\Tape0 -R
When I have run this script I'm not able to load the tapes I have just relabeld (command line or GUI). Networker does not give any message but is also not loading this tape. When I do a relabel with the GUI, Networker Administrator, it works fine. What am I doing wrong?
Greetings Roy
We are using networker 7.13 on Windows 2000 server and also have a storage node. I'm trying to relabel tapes with a script. The script looks like:
@echo on
for /f %%i in (c:\batch\tapesleusden_label.txt) do call :label %%i
goto :eof
REM unload tape unit
D:\nsr\bin\nsrjb -u -f rd=stbck02.europe.stater.corp:\\.\Tape0
REM Load tape
D:\nsr\bin\nsrjb -l -f rd=stbck02.europe.stater.corp:\\.\Tape0 %1
REM Label tape
D:\nsr\bin\nsrmm -l -y -f rd=stbck02.europe.stater.corp:\\.\Tape0 -R
When I have run this script I'm not able to load the tapes I have just relabeld (command line or GUI). Networker does not give any message but is also not loading this tape. When I do a relabel with the GUI, Networker Administrator, it works fine. What am I doing wrong?
Greetings Roy