I have program in QBasic that sends bits to turn on LED's through parellel port. The program is as follows,<br><br>10 Cls<br><br>20 OUT &H303, 144<br>21 OUT &H307, 144<br>22 OUT &H30B, 144<br>23 OUT &H30F, 144<br><br>30 OUT &H305, 0<br><br>50 x = INP(&H304)<br>60 OUT &H305, x<br>70 Print x<br>80 GoTo 50<br><br>I need to do this in VB. in other words I need to send bits through the parellel port so I can turn on LED's(8 of them). There are ways to send bits through the serial port but not through the parellel port. Is there a way of doing it.<br><br>