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Talk about frustrating. . . 1

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Aug 12, 1999
OK. One of my customers have a website. You can view their web pages just fine, from anywhere, EXCEPT @ the customers site. At first I thought I would simply clear their cache/temp hit reload and page would reload just fine. Boy, was I wrong. I've had 3 different places hit this customers webpage. It loads fine everytime. I called the ISP - thinking it just might be something with the Cisco router. That tested out fine. From the customers site, I can see every page on the net, except their own. When you attempt to load their site (from their office), you can see the page begin to load, however the images do not load, and will eventually time out.<br>
The customer claims that the webmaster was changing something on their page last week. After the change is when all this started (does the same on every PC, every OS, and with both Netscape and Explorer. But, shouldn't it have affected everyone who hits this page? Not ONLY the customer. Please help. ((The customer is looking at me while I type this. . . and he thinks I'm fixing their problem.))
What are they using to design the site Front Page?<br>
I'd ask the WEB Master.<br>
Is this a WEB issue or NT
Yes, they are using FrontPage.<br>
I would have said NT. But, I'm really not sure now. Since it is now happening on both their NT Server, NT WS, as well as users with Win95 and 98 - one would lean towards a WEB Issue.<br>

DougP -<br>
No proxy server.<br>
Config is: PC--&gt;Lan--&gt;Router--&gt;Internet<br>
I did speak with the WebMaster. He stated he didn't change anything with the pages. He was working with something else, he claims. I even asked for another page on the webserver just to confirm it wasn't the webserver. I could view it fine. I also can view CNN.com, ebay, usatoday, amazon.com and Microsoft too!<br>
The WebMaster and the ISP/Cisco tech both stated they've never heard or seen anything like this before. Hence, couldn't provide anymore assistance.<br>
((guess that's what I get, thinking it would have taken 15 minutes to fix. . . ))<br>
thanks for the replies DougP!
I didn't try the IP address of the webserver. I will try that tomorrow. . .<br>
Before I left today, I did try the &quot;Click of Faith&quot; (hit refresh about 20 times in row. . . as fast as I could). The weird thing is one of the images loaded! As of now, the page loads into the temporary folder. Yet, none of the images (gif) files do.<br>
Thanks for the replies. I appreciate the help.
We had a similar problem (sorry to come into this so late in the day!):<br>
Our web site <A HREF=" TARGET="_new"> could be seen by everyone but internals. Our domain is mycompany.com which therefore needs manual routing in the DNS. Check the IP address on the internet for your site and add it in manually.<br>
Also, in your browsers make sure you have bypass proxy server for mycompany.com addresses. It may make all the difference :)
Well, I've tried all the above. Nothing has worked. I've downed servers, tested the cisco router (NAT). I really have run out of ideas. ANY suggestions will not only be appreciated, but they will be TRIED as well! <br>
Thanks again :)<br>

Yes. The IP had 'bout 10 hops. But did trace fine.<br>
I've tried ping. Worked fine. I've searched the entire network. I can't find anything that looks out of the ordinary. <br>
Everyone involved is claiming it isn't their problem. I'm not certified/experienced with IIS --&gt;so I can't argue the WebMaster (they are using IIS on NT). I don't know Cisco Routers well enough to argue with the ISP.<br>
I searched for a virus. None was found. Since I'm leaning towards an NON-NT issue I have posted this issue in the IIS forum.<br>
Thanks for the suggestions ~
In the browser type in http:// followed by the IP number. Does that work?<br>
If it does then its a DNS issue.<br>
If it does not then its something I have seen but cannot remember for the moment :-(
Zelandakh -<br>
From both Netscape and Explorer, when you try: <A HREF=" TARGET="_new"> number, that same problem with the images occur.<br>
Interesting though. . . another Tek-Tips user place each of these animated gifs on a test page:<br>
<A HREF=" TARGET="_new"><br>
From differ PCs, and differ browsers the customer tried it again. NOW - from Explorer, the customer can ONLY see the background image. From Netscape the customer can see no background image, but can see 2 images (out of four). I tested it from my office, and I can see each just fine.<br>
My posting is in IIS if you would like to follow in there. I'm thinking this is not an NT issue now. --then again, don't know what it is.<br>
Thanks for the assistance Z !<br>
Sounds lke a file issue - I saw 4 pictures with some kind of animation / change in them. If they are animated gifs then try recreating them.<br>
I agree, its not an NT issue now...<br>
Happy hunting.
Unless, of course the whole thing hinges on the Novell/NDS issue mentioned in the IIS thread, in which case it would be a Novell issue, or an IE issue (or an NT issue). Take your pick :) <p>John Vogel<br><a href=mailto:johnvogel@homepage.com>johnvogel@homepage.com</a><br><a href= HomePage</a><br>WebMaster - DataBase Administrator - Programmer<br>
I had this problem at a site using a cable modem. Their website was not on their local lan. They could go to all other sites, but not their <A HREF=" TARGET="_new"> It had turned out that they had 10 clients trying to use the cable modem, and the modem only supports 8 users. Adjusted the number of people using the cable modem and it was fine. I am still not sure why they were able to do other internet sites. Also their mail server was on their webserver and when they couldn't reach the website, they also couldn't get mail.<br>
Is this website behind a firewall? It could be an address translation problem. I've had the exact same problem in the past.
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