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Technical User
Jan 19, 2009
Hi all!

I am looking to create a 4 tab content or tab interface using JavaScript. I would like to create the tab box using DIV and External CSS. Do any of you know a link that I go and see how it is made?

I also like to find a tab that I can customize the 4 tabs with graphic image like GIF. That way, I can change the tabs look and feel and more flexible.

If I can find a good example, I will post in here later.

Thanks inadvanced!!
Also, these tab are embedded within the HTML page. When you click on all the tabs, it stays in the same HTML page. It does NOT link to another HTML page. You can click on any tab and it just stay on the same HTML page.

Thanks all for your information.

MikeyJudd, I like your example but it does not work in Safari. It looks good in IE7 and Firefox.

BillyRayPreachersSon, I tried those already but I was not able to control the tabs very well. When I added the background rollover buttons, all the tabs did not stay at the same measurements. When I added more text to each tab, it reacted wacky.

I am still looking for a tab example that I can add custom tabs of my own and I can add as much text without it breaking up.

Alright everyone, I believe I have found a tab that I really like but I need some help. Let start out one at a time. Once I have resolve this FIRST issue, I will go to the next issue.

My first issue on this tab is that everytime I click on any of the 5 tabs, it bounces the browser to the top of the page. It's kind of enoying to me. When I click on any of the 5 tabs, I like for the web page to stay where it is and NOT bounce the web page back up to the top. I have set in the external CSS the location where I wanted. Please do not move this tab box anywher else. I believe my problem is within the 3 JavaScript pages. You can test it out yourself.

Here is the HTML code:


<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/prototype.lite.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/moo.fx.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/moo.fx.pack.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function init(){
	var stretchers = document.getElementsByClassName('box');
	var toggles = document.getElementsByClassName('tab');
	var myAccordion = new fx.Accordion(
		toggles, stretchers, {opacity: false, height: true, duration: 600}
	//hash functions
	var found = false;
	toggles.each(function(h3, i){
		var div = Element.find(h3, 'nextSibling');
			if (window.location.href.indexOf(h3.title) > 0) {
				found = true;
		if (!found) myAccordion.showThisHideOpen(stretchers[0]);


Here is the external CSS:

color: #333;
font-size: 11px;
font-family: arial;

color: #fff;
text-decoration: none;
color: #000000;

margin: 0;
padding: 5px;
line-height: 1.5em;
text-align: justify;
border: 1px solid #73A405;

width: 525px;
margin: 0 auto;

background: #fff;

clear: both;
padding: 5px;
background: #8DC70A;

float: left;
height: 32px;
width: 102px;
margin: 0 2px 0 0;
text-align: center;
background: #8DC70A url(images/greentab.jpg) no-repeat;
margin: 0;
color: #fff;
font-size: 12px;
font-weight: bold;
padding: 9px 0 0 0;


Here is the 1st JavaScript page:

var fx = new Object();
fx.Base = function(){};
fx.Base.prototype = {
	setOptions: function(options) {
	this.options = {
		duration: 500,
		onComplete: '',
		transition: fx.sinoidal
	Object.extend(this.options, options || {});

	go: function() {
		this.startTime = (new Date).getTime();
		this.timer = setInterval (this.step.bind(this), 13);

	step: function() {
		var time  = (new Date).getTime();
		if (time >= this.options.duration+this.startTime) {
			this.now = this.to;
			clearInterval (this.timer);
			this.timer = null;
			if (this.options.onComplete) setTimeout(this.options.onComplete.bind(this), 10);
		else {
			var Tpos = (time - this.startTime) / (this.options.duration);
			this.now = this.options.transition(Tpos) * (this.to-this.from) + this.from;

	custom: function(from, to) {
		if (this.timer != null) return;
		this.from = from;
		this.to = to;

	hide: function() {
		this.now = 0;

	clearTimer: function() {
		this.timer = null;

fx.Layout = Class.create();
fx.Layout.prototype = Object.extend(new fx.Base(), {
	initialize: function(el, options) {
		this.el = $(el);
		this.el.style.overflow = "hidden";
		this.el.iniWidth = this.el.offsetWidth;
		this.el.iniHeight = this.el.offsetHeight;

fx.Height = Class.create();
Object.extend(Object.extend(fx.Height.prototype, fx.Layout.prototype), {	
	increase: function() {
		this.el.style.height = this.now + "px";

	toggle: function() {
		if (this.el.offsetHeight > 0) this.custom(this.el.offsetHeight, 0);
		else this.custom(0, this.el.scrollHeight);

fx.Width = Class.create();
Object.extend(Object.extend(fx.Width.prototype, fx.Layout.prototype), {	
	increase: function() {
		this.el.style.width = this.now + "px";

	toggle: function(){
		if (this.el.offsetWidth > 0) this.custom(this.el.offsetWidth, 0);
		else this.custom(0, this.el.iniWidth);

fx.Opacity = Class.create();
fx.Opacity.prototype = Object.extend(new fx.Base(), {
	initialize: function(el, options) {
		this.el = $(el);
		this.now = 1;

	increase: function() {
		if (this.now == 1 && (/Firefox/.test(navigator.userAgent))) this.now = 0.9999;
	setOpacity: function(opacity) {
		if (opacity == 0) this.el.style.visibility = "hidden";
		else this.el.style.visibility = "visible";
		if (window.ActiveXObject) this.el.style.filter = "alpha(opacity=" + opacity*100 + ")";
		this.el.style.opacity = opacity;

	toggle: function() {
		if (this.now > 0) this.custom(1, 0);
		else this.custom(0, 1);

fx.sinoidal = function(pos){
	return ((-Math.cos(pos*Math.PI)/2) + 0.5);
	//this transition is from script.aculo.us
fx.linear = function(pos){
	return pos;
fx.cubic = function(pos){
	return Math.pow(pos, 3);
fx.circ = function(pos){
	return Math.sqrt(pos);

Here is the 2nd javaScipt page:

//smooth scroll
fx.Scroll = Class.create();
fx.Scroll.prototype = Object.extend(new fx.Base(), {
	initialize: function(options) {

	scrollTo: function(el){
		var dest = Position.cumulativeOffset($(el))[1];
		var client = window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight;
		var full = document.documentElement.scrollHeight;
		var top = window.pageYOffset || document.body.scrollTop || document.documentElement.scrollTop;
		if (dest+client > full) this.custom(top, dest - client + (full-dest));
		else this.custom(top, dest);

	increase: function(){
		window.scrollTo(0, this.now);

//text size modify, now works with pixels too.
fx.Text = Class.create();
fx.Text.prototype = Object.extend(new fx.Base(), {
	initialize: function(el, options) {
		this.el = $(el);
		if (!this.options.unit) this.options.unit = "em";

	increase: function() {
		this.el.style.fontSize = this.now + this.options.unit;

//composition effect: widht/height/opacity
fx.Combo = Class.create();
fx.Combo.prototype = {
	setOptions: function(options) {
		this.options = {
			opacity: true,
			height: true,
			width: false
		Object.extend(this.options, options || {});

	initialize: function(el, options) {
		this.el = $(el);
		if (this.options.opacity) {
			this.el.o = new fx.Opacity(el, options);
			options.onComplete = null;
		if (this.options.height) {
			this.el.h = new fx.Height(el, options);
			options.onComplete = null;	
		if (this.options.width) this.el.w = new fx.Width(el, options);
	toggle: function() { this.checkExec('toggle'); },

	hide: function(){ this.checkExec('hide'); },
	clearTimer: function(){ this.checkExec('clearTimer'); },
	checkExec: function(func){
		if (this.el.o) this.el.o[func]();
		if (this.el.h) this.el.h[func]();
		if (this.el.w) this.el.w[func]();
	//only if width+height
	resizeTo: function(hto, wto) {
		if (this.el.h && this.el.w) {
			this.el.h.custom(this.el.offsetHeight, this.el.offsetHeight + hto);
			this.el.w.custom(this.el.offsetWidth, this.el.offsetWidth + wto);

	customSize: function(hto, wto) {
		if (this.el.h && this.el.w) {
			this.el.h.custom(this.el.offsetHeight, hto);
			this.el.w.custom(this.el.offsetWidth, wto);

fx.Accordion = Class.create();
fx.Accordion.prototype = {
	setOptions: function(options) {
		this.options = {
			delay: 100,
			opacity: false
		Object.extend(this.options, options || {});

	initialize: function(togglers, elements, options) {
		this.elements = elements;
		var options = options || '';
		elements.each(function(el, i){
			options.onComplete = function(){
				if (el.offsetHeight > 0) el.style.height = '1%';
			el.fx = new fx.Combo(el, options);

		togglers.each(function(tog, i){
			tog.onclick = function(){

	showThisHideOpen: function(toShow){
		if (toShow.offsetHeight == 0) setTimeout(function(){this.clearAndToggle(toShow);}.bind(this), this.options.delay);
		this.elements.each(function(el, i){
			if (el.offsetHeight > 0 && el != toShow) this.clearAndToggle(el);

	clearAndToggle: function(el){

var Remember = new Object();
Remember = function(){};
Remember.prototype = {
	initialize: function(el, options){
		this.el = $(el);
		this.days = 365;
		this.options = options;
		var cookie = this.readCookie();
		if (cookie) {
			this.fx.now = cookie;

	//cookie functions based on code by Peter-Paul Koch
	setCookie: function(value) {
		var date = new Date();
		var expires = "; expires="+date.toGMTString();
		document.cookie = this.el+this.el.id+this.prefix+"="+value+expires+"; path=/";

	readCookie: function() {
		var nameEQ = this.el+this.el.id+this.prefix + "=";
		var ca = document.cookie.split(';');
		for(var i=0;c=ca[i];i++) {
			while (c.charAt(0)==' ') c = c.substring(1,c.length);
			if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) return c.substring(nameEQ.length,c.length);
		return false;

	custom: function(from, to){
		if (this.fx.now != to) {
			this.fx.custom(from, to);

fx.RememberHeight = Class.create();
fx.RememberHeight.prototype = Object.extend(new Remember(), {
	effect: function(){
		this.fx = new fx.Height(this.el, this.options);
		this.prefix = 'height';
	toggle: function(){
		if (this.el.offsetHeight == 0) this.setCookie(this.el.scrollHeight);
		else this.setCookie(0);
	resize: function(to){

	hide: function(){
		if (!this.readCookie()) {

fx.RememberText = Class.create();
fx.RememberText.prototype = Object.extend(new Remember(), {
	effect: function(){
		this.fx = new fx.Text(this.el, this.options);
		this.prefix = 'text';

//useful for-replacement
Array.prototype.each = function(func){
	for(var i=0;ob=this[i];i++) func(ob, i);

//Easing Equations (c) 2003 Robert Penner, all rights reserved.
//This work is subject to the terms in [URL unfurl="true"]http://www.robertpenner.com/easing_terms_of_use.html.[/URL]

fx.expoIn = function(pos){
	return Math.pow(2, 10 * (pos - 1));
fx.expoOut = function(pos){
	return (-Math.pow(2, -10 * pos) + 1);

fx.quadIn = function(pos){
	return Math.pow(pos, 2);
fx.quadOut = function(pos){
	return -(pos)*(pos-2);

fx.circOut = function(pos){
	return Math.sqrt(1 - Math.pow(pos-1,2));
fx.circIn = function(pos){
	return -(Math.sqrt(1 - Math.pow(pos, 2)) - 1);

fx.backIn = function(pos){
	return (pos)*pos*((2.7)*pos - 1.7);
fx.backOut = function(pos){
	return ((pos-1)*(pos-1)*((2.7)*(pos-1) + 1.7) + 1);

fx.sineOut = function(pos){
	return Math.sin(pos * (Math.PI/2));
fx.sineIn = function(pos){
	return -Math.cos(pos * (Math.PI/2)) + 1;
fx.sineInOut = function(pos){
	return -(Math.cos(Math.PI*pos) - 1)/2;

Here is the 3rd JavaScript page:

var Class = {
	create: function() {
		return function() {
			this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);

Object.extend = function(destination, source) {
	for (property in source) destination[property] = source[property];
	return destination;

Function.prototype.bind = function(object) {
	var __method = this;
	return function() {
		return __method.apply(object, arguments);

Function.prototype.bindAsEventListener = function(object) {
var __method = this;
	return function(event) {
		__method.call(object, event || window.event);

function $() {
	if (arguments.length == 1) return get$(arguments[0]);
	var elements = [];
	return elements;

	function get$(el){
		if (typeof el == 'string') el = document.getElementById(el);
		return el;

if (!window.Element) var Element = new Object();

Object.extend(Element, {
	remove: function(element) {
		element = $(element);

	hasClassName: function(element, className) {
		element = $(element);
		if (!element) return;
		var hasClass = false;
		element.className.split(' ').each(function(cn){
			if (cn == className) hasClass = true;
		return hasClass;

	addClassName: function(element, className) {
		element = $(element);
		Element.removeClassName(element, className);
		element.className += ' ' + className;
	removeClassName: function(element, className) {
		element = $(element);
		if (!element) return;
		var newClassName = '';
		element.className.split(' ').each(function(cn, i){
			if (cn != className){
				if (i > 0) newClassName += ' ';
				newClassName += cn;
		element.className = newClassName;

	cleanWhitespace: function(element) {
		element = $(element);
			if (node.nodeType == 3 && !/\S/.test(node.nodeValue)) Element.remove(node);

	find: function(element, what) {
		element = $(element)[what];
		while (element.nodeType != 1) element = element[what];
		return element;

var Position = {
	cumulativeOffset: function(element) {
		var valueT = 0, valueL = 0;
		do {
			valueT += element.offsetTop  || 0;
			valueL += element.offsetLeft || 0;
			element = element.offsetParent;
		} while (element);
		return [valueL, valueT];

document.getElementsByClassName = function(className) {
	var children = document.getElementsByTagName('*') || document.all;
	var elements = [];
		if (Element.hasClassName(child, className)) elements.push(child);
	return elements;

//useful array functions
Array.prototype.each = function(func){
	for(var i=0;ob=this[i];i++) func(ob, i);

function $c(array){
	var nArray = [];
	for (i=0;el=array[i];i++) nArray.push(el);
	return nArray;

Thanks for any advice and let me know if you don't know what I am talking about.
Sorry, I forgot to add the HTML within the body:

<div class="wrapper7">

	<div id="content">
	<h3 class="tab" title="first"><div class="tabtxt"><a href="#">Integration</a></div></h3>
	<div class="tab"><h3 class="tabtxt" title="second"><a href="#">Solutions</a></h3></div>
	<div class="tab"><h3 class="tabtxt" title="third"><a href="#">Diversification</a></h3></div>
	<div class="tab"><h3 class="tabtxt" title="fourth"><a href="#">Simplicity</a></h3></div>
	<div class="tab"><h3 class="tabtxt" title="fifth"><a href="#">Courage</a></h3></div>
	<div class="boxholder">
		<div class="box">
			<p><strong>The First Box</strong><br />Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. In tempus ante nec ipsum. In ut felis id leo aliquet euismod. In augue lorem, posuere eu, tincidunt non, bibendum quis, nisl. Integer erat erat, posuere vel, convallis feugiat, accumsan ac, sem. Sed scelerisque tortor nec leo. Etiam vel massa vitae nulla elementum aliquet. Donec egestas semper tellus. Donec ultrices ante cursus lacus. Integer nec est. Suspendisse potenti. Donec fringilla. Maecenas condimentum, arcu sit amet volutpat tincidunt, mi urna sodales nunc, eget porttitor odio lectus sit amet metus. Vivamus aliquam. Etiam lectus leo, venenatis sit amet, vestibulum eu, sollicitudin vitae, metus.</p>
		<div class="box">
			<p><strong>The Second Box</strong><br />Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Ut molestie nunc eu turpis. Donec facilisis enim sed dui. Sed nunc. Cras eu arcu. Praesent vel augue vel dolor ultricies convallis. Nam consectetuer risus eu urna. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nam suscipit. Duis quis lacus sed tellus auctor blandit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Proin eget massa in ante vehicula pharetra. Ut massa pede, ornare id, ultrices eget, porta et, metus.</p>
		<div class="box">
			<p><strong>The Third Box</strong><br />Suspendisse accumsan velit at dui tristique consectetuer. Quisque vitae felis ac arcu dignissim facilisis. Quisque ullamcorper. Cras molestie, elit vel blandit mattis, eros metus tempus tortor, id lobortis sem nunc eget dolor. Nullam dui. Aenean justo. Curabitur ullamcorper, libero eu faucibus ultricies, ipsum arcu interdum tellus, eget tempus augue mauris nec purus. Donec a pede nec tortor venenatis bibendum. Nunc quis erat ac augue rhoncus dictum. Nullam id augue at augue iaculis posuere. Nulla volutpat facilisis quam.</p>
		<div class="box">
			<p><strong>The Fourth Box</strong><br />Morbi feugiat mauris at velit. Proin rutrum lectus. Proin pulvinar turpis tempor nibh. Cras sit amet magna sed risus tempor vestibulum. Nunc vitae nulla. Vivamus fermentum. Praesent a sem. Cras eu neque ultricies tellus tristique vehicula. Praesent dignissim consequat metus. Integer dolor. Donec pellentesque, libero eu ullamcorper suscipit, lorem augue molestie arcu, vitae sodales quam nulla vel urna. Suspendisse accumsan sem nec leo. Proin dui ante, placerat id, consectetuer et, gravida in, velit. Duis non massa. Etiam mollis. Vestibulum id est. Sed sit amet tellus. Vestibulum varius dolor vitae velit. Morbi feugiat mauris at velit. Proin rutrum lectus. Proin pulvinar turpis tempor nibh. Cras sit amet magna sed risus tempor vestibulum. Nunc vitae nulla. Vivamus fermentum. Praesent a sem. Cras eu neque ultricies tellus tristique vehicula. Praesent dignissim consequat metus. Integer dolor. Donec pellentesque, libero eu ullamcorper suscipit, lorem augue molestie arcu, vitae sodales quam nulla vel urna. Suspendisse accumsan sem nec leo. Proin dui ante, placerat id, consectetuer et, gravida in, velit. Duis non massa. Etiam mollis. Vestibulum id est. Sed sit amet tellus. Vestibulum varius dolor vitae velit. Morbi feugiat mauris at velit. Proin rutrum lectus. Proin pulvinar turpis tempor nibh. Cras sit amet magna sed risus tempor vestibulum. Nunc vitae nulla. Vivamus fermentum. Praesent a sem. Cras eu neque ultricies tellus tristique vehicula. Praesent dignissim consequat metus. Integer dolor. <br /><br />Donec pellentesque, libero eu ullamcorper suscipit, lorem augue molestie arcu, vitae sodales quam nulla vel urna. Suspendisse accumsan sem nec leo. Proin dui ante, placerat id, consectetuer et, gravida in, velit. Duis non massa. Etiam mollis. Vestibulum id est. Sed sit amet tellus. Vestibulum varius dolor vitae velit. Morbi feugiat mauris at velit. Proin rutrum lectus. Proin pulvinar turpis tempor nibh. Cras sit amet magna sed risus tempor vestibulum. Nunc vitae nulla. Vivamus fermentum. Praesent a sem. Cras eu neque ultricies tellus tristique vehicula. Praesent dignissim consequat metus. Integer dolor. Donec pellentesque, libero eu ullamcorper suscipit, lorem augue molestie arcu, vitae sodales quam nulla vel urna. Suspendisse accumsan sem nec leo. Proin dui ante, placerat id, consectetuer et, gravida in, velit. Duis non massa. Etiam mollis. Vestibulum id est. Sed sit amet tellus. Vestibulum varius dolor vitae velit.</p>
		<div class="box">
			<p><strong>The Fifth Box</strong><br />Morbi feugiat mauris at velit. Proin rutrum lectus. Proin pulvinar turpis tempor nibh. Cras sit amet magna sed risus tempor vestibulum. Nunc vitae nulla. Vivamus fermentum. Praesent a sem. Cras eu neque ultricies tellus tristique vehicula. Praesent dignissim consequat metus. Integer dolor. Donec pellentesque, libero eu ullamcorper suscipit, lorem augue molestie arcu, vitae sodales quam nulla vel urna. Suspendisse accumsan sem nec leo. Proin dui ante, placerat id, consectetuer et, gravida in, velit. Duis non massa. Etiam mollis. Vestibulum id est. Sed sit amet tellus. Vestibulum varius dolor vitae velit. Morbi feugiat mauris at velit. Proin rutrum lectus. Proin pulvinar turpis tempor nibh. Cras sit amet magna sed risus tempor vestibulum. Nunc vitae nulla. Vivamus fermentum. Praesent a sem. Cras eu neque ultricies tellus tristique vehicula. Praesent dignissim consequat metus. Integer dolor. Donec pellentesque, libero eu ullamcorper suscipit, lorem augue molestie arcu, vitae sodales quam nulla vel urna. Suspendisse accumsan sem nec leo. Proin dui ante, placerat id, consectetuer et, gravida in, velit. Duis non massa. Etiam mollis. Vestibulum id est. Sed sit amet tellus. Vestibulum varius dolor vitae velit. Morbi feugiat mauris at velit. Proin rutrum lectus. Proin pulvinar turpis tempor nibh. Cras sit amet magna sed risus tempor vestibulum. Nunc vitae nulla. Vivamus fermentum. Praesent a sem. Cras eu neque ultricies tellus tristique vehicula. Praesent dignissim consequat metus. Integer dolor. <br /><br />Donec pellentesque, libero eu ullamcorper suscipit, lorem augue molestie arcu, vitae sodales quam nulla vel urna. Suspendisse accumsan sem nec leo. Proin dui ante, placerat id, consectetuer et, gravida in, velit. Duis non massa. Etiam mollis. Vestibulum id est. Sed sit amet tellus. Vestibulum varius dolor vitae velit. Morbi feugiat mauris at velit. Proin rutrum lectus. Proin pulvinar turpis tempor nibh. Cras sit amet magna sed risus tempor vestibulum. Nunc vitae nulla. Vivamus fermentum. Praesent a sem. Cras eu neque ultricies tellus tristique vehicula. Praesent dignissim consequat metus. Integer dolor. Donec pellentesque, libero eu ullamcorper suscipit, lorem augue molestie arcu, vitae sodales quam nulla vel urna. Suspendisse accumsan sem nec leo. Proin dui ante, placerat id, consectetuer et, gravida in, velit. Duis non massa. Etiam mollis. Vestibulum id est. Sed sit amet tellus. Vestibulum varius dolor vitae velit.</p>

<script type="text/javascript">
Personally, I'd save an awful lot of markup and javascript and go with something like this

Yes, you have the small overhead of including the jQuery framework but it makes things SO much easier and you can use the same framework elsewhere on the site to do all sorts of other things.

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Tyres: Mine's a pint of the black stuff.
Mike: You can't drink a pint of Bovril.
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