I want to add tables in two different servers. Could anyone please let me know how to add second server so that the tables of it can be linked with the tables of first server.
You ought to be able to add tables from two different databases, including those on different servers. I've done it occasionally, as well as linking a database to a text file or Excel spreadsheet.
A problem might arrise making links betwee the two. If you can't make a direct link, you could put one of the tables in a detail-level subreport and pass a parameter. Inefficient, but it is an option.
Another possibility is writing your own SQL and putting it into Crsytal as an SQL Command.
PS. This is based on Crystal 11. It helps to give your Crystal version - 8, 8.5, 9, 10, 11 or whatever. Methods sometimes change between versions, and higher versions have extra options.
Madawc Williams (East Anglia, UK). Using Crystal 11.5 with SQL and Windows XP
The best way is to create a stored procedure and to base the report on it.If you don't have rights to do this , as Madawc proposed, you can create a command in crystal reports.
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