Hi there,
I have a project to use Access 97 as opposed to Excel in entering Data for some reporting in the future.
We receive 3 reports (hard copies) and we need to enter this info.
I thought I creted the tables necessary but when I was planning on creating a form this is where I got stuck.
Here is the info of the report and data it contains:
Operator Report
Time Interval
Agent ID
Agent Name
# of calls
# of abandon
# outbound
Queu Report
Time Interval
Abandon Call #
Total Operator Report
Agent ID
Agent Name
Calls Transferred
Login Time
Not Ready Time
InBoundTalk time
Internal Calls
Outbound Calls
Internal Talk Time
External Talk Time
There are redundant info and the interval time (8:00, 8:30, 9:00 until 6:00 pm)is giving me a headache on how to create the tables and form that minimizes the keying.
Any thoughts are appreciated.
I have a project to use Access 97 as opposed to Excel in entering Data for some reporting in the future.
We receive 3 reports (hard copies) and we need to enter this info.
I thought I creted the tables necessary but when I was planning on creating a form this is where I got stuck.
Here is the info of the report and data it contains:
Operator Report
Time Interval
Agent ID
Agent Name
# of calls
# of abandon
# outbound
Queu Report
Time Interval
Abandon Call #
Total Operator Report
Agent ID
Agent Name
Calls Transferred
Login Time
Not Ready Time
InBoundTalk time
Internal Calls
Outbound Calls
Internal Talk Time
External Talk Time
There are redundant info and the interval time (8:00, 8:30, 9:00 until 6:00 pm)is giving me a headache on how to create the tables and form that minimizes the keying.
Any thoughts are appreciated.