Hello guys!
I am really new to HTML using CSS instead of old fashioned tables(that I manage really good) and I need to make a website (a simple one) using this technique that for many of you isn't a new one.
I can post a link to all the scrrenshots and maybe some of you can assist me by giveing me basic advices of how can I code these pages.
Do you think that I can handle it? or maybe it will be better if I go out there on the web and make first some tutorials?
I mention again that I can handle very good old fashioned tables technique and this website wouldn't take me more than a day using tables.
Thank you!
I am really new to HTML using CSS instead of old fashioned tables(that I manage really good) and I need to make a website (a simple one) using this technique that for many of you isn't a new one.
I can post a link to all the scrrenshots and maybe some of you can assist me by giveing me basic advices of how can I code these pages.
Do you think that I can handle it? or maybe it will be better if I go out there on the web and make first some tutorials?
I mention again that I can handle very good old fashioned tables technique and this website wouldn't take me more than a day using tables.
Thank you!