I'm confused and missing something very basic here. I use SQL stored procs to fill my dataset and they usually contain joins for purposes of displaying descriptions, names, etc. Up until now I have really only updated, inserted, deleted records one at a time and have a stored proc for each type of action. I would like to use the TableAdapater update method to save the changes for an entire table with one command. I don't want or need to update any of the joined tables that are only providing the descriptions or names. I have also read numerous posts on the internet that say you have to write your own methods when you have a join in your select of the Fill for the TableAdapater. I'm just not sure how to do this and how to call the code with the proper parameters. I'm not using any of the visual designers in .Net to create my stored procedures or database connections. Can someone point me in the right direction or possibly supply a simple example.
Sylvania/Toledo Ohio
Sylvania/Toledo Ohio