Access noob here with a question. I need to compare records in a Table with the results of a query. In a nutshell here's what I need to happen:
Table contains master list of records. Say there are 100 records in this table. The query returns 25 records. I need a query that will compare both and return the remaining records in the table not contained in the query. Does that make sense?
In noobish SQL:
After googling I found mention of a "theta join" that looks like what I need to do, but I can't find instructions on accomplishing this.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Table contains master list of records. Say there are 100 records in this table. The query returns 25 records. I need a query that will compare both and return the remaining records in the table not contained in the query. Does that make sense?
In noobish SQL:
Select from TableA join QueryB
Where TableA.ID != QueryB.ID
After googling I found mention of a "theta join" that looks like what I need to do, but I can't find instructions on accomplishing this.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.