I need your help to make this work.
Any ideas that may help me, would be great.
At this time I do have a form "TrspOppdrag".
Shown below...
On this form there are some text boxes:
[Fra postnr] and [Til sted] which are the "zip" and "town" of the sender
[Til postnr] and [Til sted] which are the "zip" and "town" of the receiver.
[Antall kll],[Antall pll],[BruttoVekt] and [VolumVekt] are "pieces", "pallets", "gross weight" and "volum weight".
[KostTrsp] is the same as "Transportation costs"
I also got a combo [Transportør] = "carrier".
The form has its unique number in [Transport nummer](txtbox)
The [Transportør] combo gets its values from:
I have a Table calles "Post" which contains teo rows:
"Postnr" and "Poststed" = "zip" and "town".
What I need:
-To make either a Table or a Excel doc, containing every carrier (Transportør), with their "sones" and prices.
E.g. Carrier= GPX, Zip= 2020, Town=Skedsmokorset, Weight 50-100kg, Price=150 and so on...
When I enter the Zip "2020" into [Til Postnr], selects either [Antall kll],[Antall pll] or both, e.g. [Antall kll]= 3, [BruttoVekt] And/Or [VolumVekt] e.g. [BruttoVekt]= 75 and [Transportør]=GPX the the query would find the value (price) 150, and put it into [TrspKost]
Simplyfying: [Til postnr]=2020, [Antall kll]=5, [BruttoVekt]=75, [Transportør]=GPX = [TrspKost]: 150
Any ideas on how to make this work.
Shall I make several Tables for each carrier, or one for all of them, and so on.
Thank You in advance.
I need your help to make this work.
Any ideas that may help me, would be great.
At this time I do have a form "TrspOppdrag".
Shown below...

On this form there are some text boxes:
[Fra postnr] and [Til sted] which are the "zip" and "town" of the sender
[Til postnr] and [Til sted] which are the "zip" and "town" of the receiver.
[Antall kll],[Antall pll],[BruttoVekt] and [VolumVekt] are "pieces", "pallets", "gross weight" and "volum weight".
[KostTrsp] is the same as "Transportation costs"
I also got a combo [Transportør] = "carrier".
The form has its unique number in [Transport nummer](txtbox)
The [Transportør] combo gets its values from:
SELECT [Transportør Spørring].Kode, [Transportør Spørring].KundeNr, [Transportør Spørring].Dek, [Transportør Spørring].VårtKundeNr, [Transportør Spørring].Telefonnummer, [Transportør Spørring].Faksnummer, * FROM [Transportør Spørring] ORDER BY [Transportør Spørring].
I have a Table calles "Post" which contains teo rows:
"Postnr" and "Poststed" = "zip" and "town".
What I need:
-To make either a Table or a Excel doc, containing every carrier (Transportør), with their "sones" and prices.
E.g. Carrier= GPX, Zip= 2020, Town=Skedsmokorset, Weight 50-100kg, Price=150 and so on...
When I enter the Zip "2020" into [Til Postnr], selects either [Antall kll],[Antall pll] or both, e.g. [Antall kll]= 3, [BruttoVekt] And/Or [VolumVekt] e.g. [BruttoVekt]= 75 and [Transportør]=GPX the the query would find the value (price) 150, and put it into [TrspKost]
Simplyfying: [Til postnr]=2020, [Antall kll]=5, [BruttoVekt]=75, [Transportør]=GPX = [TrspKost]: 150
Any ideas on how to make this work.
Shall I make several Tables for each carrier, or one for all of them, and so on.
Thank You in advance.