Please help 
I have a table where the primary key is an autonumber. Multiple records within the table have been deleted and I would like to get rid of those empty spots (so that the deleted record's following record will take on that number and all following records' PKs will drop by 1).
I've tried compacting the database by selecting "Compact and Repair Database" from the "Tools" menu, but it will not reclaim all the spaces marked as deleted and rewrite the data in the table in primary key order.
Isn't this action supposed to do what I'm asking? What am I doing wrong or what can I do differently?
Thanks much!
I have a table where the primary key is an autonumber. Multiple records within the table have been deleted and I would like to get rid of those empty spots (so that the deleted record's following record will take on that number and all following records' PKs will drop by 1).
I've tried compacting the database by selecting "Compact and Repair Database" from the "Tools" menu, but it will not reclaim all the spaces marked as deleted and rewrite the data in the table in primary key order.
Isn't this action supposed to do what I'm asking? What am I doing wrong or what can I do differently?
Thanks much!