This is driving me nuts. Not really sure what the problem is, so: examples:
-- this is my header, which is fine and dandy by itself. It's not declared as anything (as it's always included). Looks good, no?
-- this is what it looks like after I include it in a strict HTML file. The td tags should have the height set to exactly that of the images contained in each row. Cellpadding and cellspacing are both set to 0. Yet, they are "broken"
Any constructive suggestions?
-- this is my header, which is fine and dandy by itself. It's not declared as anything (as it's always included). Looks good, no?
-- this is what it looks like after I include it in a strict HTML file. The td tags should have the height set to exactly that of the images contained in each row. Cellpadding and cellspacing are both set to 0. Yet, they are "broken"
Any constructive suggestions?