There is Guest Manager. It is okay. Setting it up is a bit frustrating but once it is set up it works pretty good. I think that there are probably better solutions out there but I have worked with guest manager and it works pretty good for what it is. Simple user interface and many features.
Opentable cornered this market years ago and still has 1 of the best solutions. It does not interface with aloha, however it does much more than Guest Mananger.
I agree with Ross. I help open many places and most of the opt for a non integrated software. It seems to work fine. Only benefits of integrated software is that you can tie it into table statuses for bussers, etc based on when servers close checks. I would recommend an alternative solution to guest manager.
I had one restaurnat get Guest manager and after 1 month, went back to Open table. the other advantage with OT is you can put in reservations as well as guests can input reservations Online. Any decent busser should be able to see if a table needs cleaning and not have to go to term first to see that needs to be cleaned. Servers should also do a little bussing of there own tables as well.
DineTime from QSR Automations is really good and much cheaper than OT. This is what Cheesecake uses, also has kitchen management software, KDS. The KDS definitely integrates with Aloha, the 99s and Darden use them. I wouldn't be surprised if DT also integrates to Aloha as it is getting statuses from the same files. If you go on a Darden site and do a reservation, like Seasons 52, it doesn't look like an OT link.
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