Using Crystal Report 8.5 and Oracle tables:
In a report using two tables - LABCASE and ALL_ASSIGNMENTS left joined LABCASE.Case Key ---> ALL_ASSIGNMENTS.Case Key. There is only one unique Case Key in LABCASE. But since a "Case" can have multiple assignments to several different units, there can be several records in ALL_ASSIGNMENTS with the same Case Key field. I am trying to get a list of Cases (Case Number) from LABCASE that show an assignment to one unit (in ALL_ASSIGNMENT.Section) but not another (any case that had a DNA Unit Assignment, but no a Criminialistics Unit Assignment - most would have both so I am looking for exceptions.
In a report using two tables - LABCASE and ALL_ASSIGNMENTS left joined LABCASE.Case Key ---> ALL_ASSIGNMENTS.Case Key. There is only one unique Case Key in LABCASE. But since a "Case" can have multiple assignments to several different units, there can be several records in ALL_ASSIGNMENTS with the same Case Key field. I am trying to get a list of Cases (Case Number) from LABCASE that show an assignment to one unit (in ALL_ASSIGNMENT.Section) but not another (any case that had a DNA Unit Assignment, but no a Criminialistics Unit Assignment - most would have both so I am looking for exceptions.