I have an non profit system I am supposed to move from excel to access. I have a tbale organizations with 18 different offices or auxillaries they have a field called brought forward which is the balance from last month then they enter in the money raised this month the sum of the two fields brought forward and raised this month are in a field total brought forward and raised then they enter in a field called disbursed this month which subtracts disbursed this month from total brought forward to go into calc field end month balance.
So it always starts out with the brought forward which is the end month balance from the previous month.(If they selected July then the previous June end month balance would be the brought forward? Is there a way to design the tables so they can do this? How many tables?
Thank You
So it always starts out with the brought forward which is the end month balance from the previous month.(If they selected July then the previous June end month balance would be the brought forward? Is there a way to design the tables so they can do this? How many tables?
Thank You