I'd think this would be simple and easy to do, and a needed functionality.
I want to be able to do this:
basically, without using frames, i want the trailer to end up aligned to the bottom of the page and the header at the top. Soooo, the "body" table would have to be 100% of the remainder of the space. I think i saw that Height is not supported under html 4, and I've tried stuff with divs, but NOTHING has worked. I have to believe there is a way to do this... any ideas? anyone?
--(deparate) gagz
I want to be able to do this:
<!-- header -->
<td><img src=someimg.jpg></td>
<td>some text, etc</td>
<!-- end header -->
<!-- variable sized body of page -->
<table height=100% (or * or SOMETHING!)>
<td>stuff here</td>
<!-- end body -->
<!-- trailer -->
<td><img src=someimg.jpg></td>
<td>some text, etc</td>
<!-- end trailer -->
--(deparate) gagz