As much as I despise Microsoft in most respects, I have to admit that they've got the only browser which works correctly. This is true in many respects, but I have one problem in particular for which I cannot find a work-around for the other browsers. I want a table to fit exactly 100% of the browser height where the top row is a set height, and the bottom row is the rest of it. If I set no height on the bottom row, then it shrinks to the size of the enclosed content. However, if I set the bottom row to 100% (or "the rest of the table height" as IE correctly interprets it), Mozilla and Opera both interpret that as 100% of the browser height, and thus my table is pushed beyond the height of the browser. NS 4 still shrinks to the size of the enclosed content either way. Check out to see (if you have a resolution of less than 1024x768, you may need to click on one of the links that are "under construction" so that the content is less than the browser height). If anyone has figured out a way past this problem, please share it.
Tom Anderson
CEO, Order amid Chaos, Inc.
Tom Anderson
CEO, Order amid Chaos, Inc.