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Table/Form Default Value

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Dec 22, 2009
I have a subform (continues form) that display records from a table. i have 4 fields
how should i set the default values and where, wether in table or in subform, so i can see the sum of two fields multiplyed.
I have tried
=Nz([Qty])*Nz([Price]) it workes but only for the first row.
and in continues form where i have the unbound textbox it displays the same value for all other records/rows.
I have tried to put it as default value in field in the table, but I get an error.
I would very much appreciate if anyone can help me.
thank you in advance
Your calculation should be done at the form/report level. The calculation should not be stored. That means you would NOT have a [total] field.

If you want the sum for all the lines in the continuous form then place a text box in the form's footer and set the control source to be:


Boyd Trimmell aka HiTechCoach
Microsoft Access MVP
Hello HiTechCoach,
thank you very much for your quick reply,
I have put what you told me and i still have the same problm. i have only the sum from first record to all others in my Continuous Form.
please see the attached printscreen of my Continuous Form.
i hope it explains what im trying to acomplishe in here.
thanx again
It looks like you have the wrong expression in the detail of the subform vs the footer of the subform.

Welcome aboard Boyd! It's great seeing you here.

Hook'D on Access
MS Access MVP
Hi Dhookom,

thank you for your worm welcome, I am still desperet in finding solution, i'm pretty sure there is a solution to this. im searching on the web since 48 houres now, I almos fot to the web page "The End", they say its the end of internet, I feel im close ot it.
HiTechCoach please if you have time respond to my thread, thank you.

my dba:

Table: itemtbl
ID - AutoNumber/Long Integer/Increment (default created by access 2007)
Item - Text/255
Price - Currency/Euro/Auto
Qty - Number/Single
Total - Currency/Euro/Auto

Continuous Form: fields,
name: Itemtxt
selection type: Text Box
Control Source: Item
name: Qtytxt
selection type: Text Box
Control Source: Qty
name: Pricetxt
selection type: Text Box
Control Source: Price
name: totaltxt
selection type: Text Box
Control Source: Unbound
I have 3 records on table called itemtbl
(this is how its diplayed on my continuous form)
ID Item Qty Price Total
1 Book 1 2.50
2 Pencil 3 1.40
3 TV 2 99.90
Agan how to multiply qty with Price and get a sepret value on my total filed

Kind Regards
Actually my "Welcome aboard" was to fellow Microsoft MVP, Boyd Trimmell (HiTechCoach) but I am happy to extend the welcome to you also ;-)

Boyd was suggesting that you do not need a Total field in your table since you can use a text box in the detail section of your form/report with a control source of:
In the header or footer section of the same form/report, you can use a text box with a control source of:

Hook'D on Access
MS Access MVP
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