I need an advice how to relate tables containing the lists
of the competitors against our list of products.The basis for our database is the table products. In our table products, which I am applying, we have listed all our products. Also, we have received the products for the competitors they are Shell,Mobil,etc.Each of these lists contains a lot of products. We have to enter them somehow in our database.I have to show the equivalents, or as we call them counterproducts of the other companies. For example our product is called Antifreeze Silstone B. The name of the shell product is different, I have to find it and connect it with the Lookup wizard. But also I have to find the counterproduct for Mobil in a similar way. And also for the other 6 competitors.I can easily do it for one customer, as I have shwon it.In my case it is Shell. But it is not enough. I also have to connect with the Lookup wizard for Mobil. How can I do it ? And also in the same way for the other competitors. So I think I should have mentioned that it concerns more the counterpoduts and way I could do it in the table products
P.S. sorry i couldnt attach the file, i dont know how to do it.But i have build the tables in the following way.Table Mobil, the autonumber is mobilid , the next table is Shell, the autonumnber is Shellid,and i conect them with my tble products.
of the competitors against our list of products.The basis for our database is the table products. In our table products, which I am applying, we have listed all our products. Also, we have received the products for the competitors they are Shell,Mobil,etc.Each of these lists contains a lot of products. We have to enter them somehow in our database.I have to show the equivalents, or as we call them counterproducts of the other companies. For example our product is called Antifreeze Silstone B. The name of the shell product is different, I have to find it and connect it with the Lookup wizard. But also I have to find the counterproduct for Mobil in a similar way. And also for the other 6 competitors.I can easily do it for one customer, as I have shwon it.In my case it is Shell. But it is not enough. I also have to connect with the Lookup wizard for Mobil. How can I do it ? And also in the same way for the other competitors. So I think I should have mentioned that it concerns more the counterpoduts and way I could do it in the table products
P.S. sorry i couldnt attach the file, i dont know how to do it.But i have build the tables in the following way.Table Mobil, the autonumber is mobilid , the next table is Shell, the autonumnber is Shellid,and i conect them with my tble products.